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When is The Right Time To Move Home?

A lot of people ask us when the best time to buy or sell a property, and we always answer in the same way…

The right time to buy or sell is personal to you and your circumstances and not always about the market conditions at the time or what the media are saying about it.

The conditions of the housing market are constantly changing, and there is no such thing as a ‘Normal Market’. Prices will always go up and down and this will normally be down to the concept of supply and demand. But the important thing to remember is that it will always be relative, and it will not just be your property, that is experiencing these changes in price.

if you are considering a move or a purchase, it is important that you consider the current market but do not base, your decision solely on what you read in the media and what people believe the market to be. Speak to an Estate Agent who understands what is happening in your local market and consider your reasons for the move before you decide whether it is the best time for you.

The reasons for a home move will likely be the biggest driver when deciding if now is the right time to buy or sell… for example a young family who need more space will still need more space regardless of the market conditions.

If you think about it simply, if you are buying and selling at the same time (like the young family needing more space), then it probably doesn’t matter what is happening with house prices. If the price of the property you are selling has decreased or increased from the year before, then the same will have happened to the one that you are looking to buy. It is all relative.

An Estate Agents job is simply to ask the right questions, get to know their customers and then give the very best advice to facilitate the home move, so here are the key things to do or consider when deciding if now is the right time to move…

• Be clear on why you are wanting to buy or sell
• Speak to Local Estate Agents that really know your local market
• Take advice on your mortgage by speaking to an Advisor who can show you what you could borrow and what it will cost. (You may be pleasantly surprised)

Thinking of moving home and would like to speak to one of our Local Agents or Mortgage Advisors then contact us on 01832 731222 or email